Our INBOX keeps filling up with more unwanted emails, ads and spam. We want to dig into a project but are pulled away by the mountain of laundry that sits on the table needing to be folded or the sticky breakfast dishes the kids failed to put in the dishwasher (again). So we wander away from or don’t even begin our more important projects in order to tend to smaller everyday tasks that feel more manageable. We get a little dopamine hit from “doing the thing”. The problem is, this high quickly wears off  and the sense of accomplishment vanishes. We are not any closer to feeling productive in a way that truly satisfies. 

Here are some ways  that have been known to work. Try one, try them all, but just try. You can always go back to the way you have always done things or in some cases, not done them, I promise! 

  • PILE UP PILE: Create this as a digital file for all the things  you need or want to do. It is a master “to Do” list. Keep it open on your desktop and on your phone. So when you are talking to someone and they tell you about a website you need to check out or you finally remember you need to make a dentist appointment for your kid it has a place to live until you can get to it. This is a HUGE stress reliever! Freeing up this space in your head allows for you to relax and enjoy more of what you are doing because all the thought “Burps” that bubble up at inappropriate times now have a home, a place to go until they can be properly attended to. Something magical happens when you write things down. It takes the stress of remembering “all the things” and pulls it out of your head and puts it somewhere else. Somewhere easily accessible. This removes the burden of the “to do” until you have more time to actually do it. 

2. SET A TIMER: Seriously, this is a game changer. Pick a project to focus on, Say “Pay Bills” or “write a Blog” Set a timer for anywhere from 25 minutes to 55 minutes. Turn off all distractions (ie. notifications) and GO. You will be AMAZED at how much you can get done in these short “Sprints”.  I listened to an interview where the host was asking these top Fortune 500 Executives how they get stuff done, They ALL said the same thing. Set a timer, turn off distractions and focus on the task at hand. Then take a 10-15 minute break, get a snack or a drink of water, walk around and start over. Boom! This process breaks down tasks into bite sized pieces. Time Flies by and before you know it, you are excited to see how much you have done in a short period of FOCUSED time. This is not just enjoyable but thrilling!

3. Exercise FIRST: Yes. Get it done and out of the way. If you are like me, I have a hard time sitting still so this buys us wiggle worms some time to get settled into a sprint. 

4. Buddy Up & Focus: Try something like the Pomodoro Technique and do it with a friend.  This is a proven technique for those with ADHD or for anyone struggling with focus. If you can’t convince anyone to do it with you, check out Clubhouse. There are productivity rooms where people who have a hard time focusing work together in a virtual platform.. There is a facilitator who sets a timer and everyone just works! It sounds a little weird, but there is something awesome about this approach. You get SO MUCH DONE! Plus you are doing it in a group so you don’t feel alone. You are being held accountable in a small way, but something about this set up really works and it is fun!

5. Take a Break: Wait, what? I thought I was going to be productive! Taking breaks is KEY in boosting productivity. How does taking a break boost your productivity? Taking a break acts like fuel for your brain. Remember studying for an exam? Remember how hungry you would get? Taking a break gives us time to recover from what we are focused on and allows us to return with a sense of renewed energy. Plus you can get a snack! Don’t be fooled by the urge to push through. Breaks are the way your body assimilates what the mind is working on….It works! 


