2 Hr Party
8 People
Warm Up
Beginner Friendly Pole Practice
Teacher/Student Demo
Closing Meditation
Party Inquiry Form
Tell us about your party and we’ll be in touch with more details, including confirmation of your preferred day and time. No worries if you don’t have all of the details worked out …
That’s what we’re here for!
Party Terms & Conditions
SIM must have signed waivers from all party guests prior to the start of the party. Anyone who has not signed a waiver will not be admitted to the party.
SIM requires payment upfront for the party.
Parties are scheduled based on studio and teacher availability.
Parties are for 10 people. For additional guests, SIM will charge $49 pp.
There are no refunds for parties.
The party will start when the last guest arrives.
Please let guests know to arrive early. If the party starts late, it will still end at the original scheduled end time. Extra time will not be given for late arrivals.
Parties are the following structure: campfire, warm-up, pole-time or lap dance, dance, and demo.
SIM does not allow for food and beverages at the party or hanging out at the studio after the party unless otherwise arranged with studio management and at an additional cost TBD.