Embodied Movement is the ability to feel, sense and experience our emotions, feelings and physical body with sensitivity and real time awareness, so that we might embrace and express our experiences in empowered ways.
Why is Embodiment Important?
We are embodied beings. From the moment we are born our bodies are essential to our learning, growth and relationships with others. Throughout our lives, our bodies and movements communicate much more clearly than our words.
We are born embodied. Think of a toddler who crawls on the floor, picks up a favorite toy and explores it with their hands, feet or mouth. Then, take that toy away and tears, and screams of protest take over. Think of the first time your heart was broken. Though entirely unpleasant and painful it is a full body, emotional experience. If you connect with the the ache and sadness, the taste of your salty tears, the deep longing or grief, this is also embodiment.
As adults it is more common to experience embodiment when having sex, falling in love or engaging in a new activity for the first time. It can even be when we realize that we are hungry or have to pee. It is essentially inhabiting yourself fully.
An embodiment practice is a method of using the unique sensations of our body as a tool to develop awareness, stay present, self-regulate, feel whole, find balance, feel connected, know ourself, love ourself and be empowered.
Looking to add an embodiment practice to your everyday life? We offer virtual S Factor Pole Dancing Classes in San Francisco that can help bring you back into your authentic, sensual self. S Factor® is an embodied movement practice for women that not only intelligently opens and strengthens the feminine body but also reconnects you to your vitality, sensuality and core desires. View our new student offer and get your first Virtual Class through Sisters in Motion for just $10!